What is your ticket cancellation and/or transfer policy?

Cancellation/Refund Policy

Requests for full cancellation must be received by Transform Media, LLC in writing PRIOR TO January 10, 2025 and will be subject to a $75 processing fee.

Refunds will not be granted AFTER January 10, 2025, but the registration may be transferred to a future event. Refunds/Credits will NOT be given to no-shows. All cancellation refunds will be processed within 4 weeks of the completion of the event. Send refund requests to register@transform.us 

Substitution/Transfer Policy

Registrations may be transferred from one party to another party prior to March 14, 2025. After March 14, 2025, no attendee substitutions will be allowed. All substitution requests will be processed within five (5) business days.

Substitutions between ticket types are not allowed, e.g., transferring a speaker pass to a non-speaker. Transfer requests should be sent to register@transform.us

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